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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Meeting Daniel Radcliffe and crazy press

Hey, y'all! It's Sunday and today we're going to write about... the amazing Daniel Radcliffe and the not that amazing press. Let's begin.

First thing first, I’m the realest. HAHAHAHAHA. KIDDIIIIIIING.

So, a month ago, Gee decided to submit a question in order to participate in a contest. What was the huge prize? Be able to meet Daniel Radcliffe. Yeah, pretty amazing prize. There had been a few times when she was lucky and actually won something. Anyway, on Thursday she received an email that said she was going to meet Daniel. AHHHHHHHH. Fast forward to Friday, she waited in line for about two hours and meet some cool girls! We started chatting about life, Dan and all that jazz. At 3 p.m., we finally got to the room Daniel’s live chat was going to be at and sat there for another hour (yaaaay! not), but every single hour was worth it when this british guy stepped in the room. Whilst he was answering some questions from the fans, he was really nice and humble and just, *sigh*, fame hasn’t changed him AT ALL. Dan has a great sense of humor, he likes to joke and that, plus his accent sounds SO good. Oddie was watching her bestie live at the live chat, of course, thanks to technology and the internet. She could even hear Gee laughing at some jokes. That really happened, hahaha. But yeah, Daniel was amazing to the fans over there.
When it was time to meet him, Gee was quite surprised that she wasn’t THAT starstruck. Hahahaha. ‘Cause, you know, he was quite big part of our childhood!!! But his attitude makes you feel like you’ve known him for ages, like you're friends. Anyway, she finally walked up to him and he greeted her in a very polite way; handshake, quick embrace, kiss on the cheek and all, then said “hello, it’s really nice to meet you”. Surprisingly enough, Gee was able to say something back haha and let the other girls greet him. After they took the picture, Dan turned to her and apologized ‘cause everything was so rushed and stuff, but he said he was really glad to meet her. Yeah, Gee was dying at this point hahaha, but she told him not to worry because all the fans understood he had a really busy schedule. And, that was it. Daniel is an extremely nice guy, gentleman and so down-to-Earth, it’s always good to meet this kind of actors!!

Here are a couple of pictures from that day. Courtesy of Gee and a lovely human she met there! And thanks to the radio station that made this possible, you rock!

And although press it's super good for a lot of things, like doing amazing events so we can meet our favorite artists, sometimes they can be rude to us at this events, too. We would have a better world if press wasn't so mean to everyone, tbh. Celebrities and fans could have a much better experience together if press wasn't rude to fans. We get it, if some kind of press organizes a Meet & Greet experience with a celebrity, it's their duty and job to protect everyone: both celebrity and fans. But they don't need to be mean to us fans, not really.  We would really appreciate them to be nice to us. Yeah, we also get some fans could get a bit over excited and try to do crazy stuff. But the world is already bad enough for people to be mean on this kind of situations. So, let's be decent people and be respectful to one another. Is that too much to ask?

So, that's it for today. We really hope someday celebrities, fans and press can be good friends and that press still organizes meet and greet events (like Gee's experience with Daniel) so we all can be happy, yay! Don't forget to show us some love in the comments down below or in our social stuff like Twitter and that.

Love you!

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